China: End Animal Testing Requirement for Non-Chinese Cosmetics

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: China Food & Drug Administration (CFDA)

Efforts continue to end the use of live animals for cosmetics testing, but countries like China continue to require needless and cruel testing for many products sold in the country. 

Cosmetic companies like Estee’ Lauder have committed to ending live animal testing; yet the China Food & Drug Administration (CFDA) is not fully on board with ending animal testing.

Last year, China did away with animal testing requirements for many common cosmetic products produced and sold within China, such as makeup, perfume, shampoos and conditioners, nail polishes and basic skincare products like moisturizers.

Animal welfare activists that the lives of as many as 10,000 animals a year may be saved in China as a result of the new policy.

Unfortunately, the government has made no such change for companies that produce cosmetics outside of China for sale to the Chinese market -- despite the many alternatives for animal testing to ensure product safety.

Animal testing for cosmetics is unnecessary and cruel. Sign the petition to urge China to end animal testing requirements for cosmetics produced outside the country.

China Food & Drug Administration (CFDA):

The use of animals in any type of testing is in no way cruelty-free!  Because other, less cruel methods exist to test the safety of cosmetics and other products, I urge you to end animal testing requirements on cosmetics roduced outside China.  Animal testing is indeed cruel and unethical!

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